On September 30, 2021, the website Ivy Exec published under executive “Advancing” an article I wrote on “CMO Employment Contract Tips to Protect You and Your Job”. This new article is designed not only for C-level and senior executives, but even for many directors and mid-level executives, who currently are considering offers for the Chief Marketing Officer position but expect to soon receive such an executive job offer or who aspire to such an offer in the future. As Chief Marketing Officer the executive may be expected to oversee all areas of a company’s overall promotion, branding, digital presence, advertising and sales strategy, as well as coordinating marketing efforts with the company’s product development, financial position and goals. My article mentions how responsibilities and authority of the CMO can vary by organization but often include most or all of these duties:
My article also discusses delineation of your duties, responsibilities, authority and reporting and including in your offer letter or employment contract key executive employment terms on which you rely to take the job.
Finally, but also importantly, my article next discusses what to seek in getting the right CMO Compensation Package, and concludes with a discussion of severance rights to enable you to protect the terms of your bargain reached with the company. To see my full IvyExec Career Advice website article, go to LINK: https://www.ivyexec.com/career-advice/2021/cmo-employment-contract-tips Or on my website at https://www.executiveemploymentattorney.com/cmo-employment-contract-tips-to-protect-you-and-your-job/ IvyExec hosts articles and webinars from experts in the career, leadership, and business spaces who wish to share their knowledge with our audience. In April 2021, I was invited to write for IvyExec since it seeks original content on the topics of career development, leadership, and business strategy as it applies to senior-level and C-Suite professionals. IvyExec blog posts and webinars are shared with its community of more than 2 million members on its website, in its newsletter, and on its social media channels. https://www.ivyexec.com/career-advice/write-for-us/ It is my hope that this article will be of benefit to VPs, directors and senior executives who have the opportunity to negotiate their first job offer to be Chief Marketing Officer or for those who are already CMOs and seek more appropriate terms in their next job offer. My article suggests terms and approaches to each of you and thus I hope will provide you a benefit in your negotiations. Feel free to tweet or share this article. If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me at [email protected].
Two weeks ago, on Tuesday June 22, 2021, the website Ivy Exec published under “Career Advice” an article I wrote on “Executive Contract Terms to Negotiate with Your Prospective Employer”.
This new article is designed for CEOs, C-level and senior executives, who are sometimes neglectful of their own interests and might be tempted to accept the assurance from a prospective employer that the job offer terms are just standard. But executive contract terms are not standard. My article discusses critical contract terms that, as a senior executive, you should consider negotiable to assure you are receiving fair financial treatment and to provide important protections to your career path and reputation. I suggest negotiation strategies for key contract terms including:
My article then concludes with a discussion of other non-contract factors that go into the decision to accept a job offer such as compatibility with company, fit of skills and personality, and your belief in company prospects. But remember, even where you see a good fit going in, things can change: so, having a good contract is an important protection against your champion leaving or other unforeseen developments. To see my full article, as published in the “Career Advice” section of the Ivy Exec website, go to LINK: https://www.ivyexec.com/career-advice/2021/executive-contract-terms-to-negotiate-with-your-prospective-employer/ Or on my website at https://www.executiveemploymentattorney.com/articles-section/executive-contract-terms/ IvyExec hosts articles and webinars from experts in the career, leadership, and business spaces who wish to share their knowledge with our audience. In April 2021, I was invited to write for IvyExec since it seeks original content on the topics of career development, leadership, and business strategy as it applies to senior-level and C-Suite professionals. IvyExec blog posts and webinars are shared with its community of more than 2 million members on its website, in its newsletter, and on its social media channels. https://www.ivyexec.com/career-advice/write-for-us/ It is my hope that this article will be of benefit to CEOs, C-level and senior executives who are contemplating a new job offer or employment contract and want to assure the key need financial terms and career protections are in place. This article suggests to you what is negotiable and that it may be wise to seek these items even when you feel confident the job is a good fit for you. Because sometimes, your champion may leave or other things might happen – so that, at that point, it might be comforting to you to know you have in writing critical contractual protections. So, my hope is that this article will offer insights on these important matters. Feel free to tweet or share this article. If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me. Last month, on May 26, 2021, CEOWorld magazine published an article I wrote on “Using Career Advancement Covenants to Safeguard Non-Financial Executive Pay”.
This new article is designed for CEOs, C-level and senior executives, who, on occasion, may accept less in salary, bonus and equity in favor of non-financial compensation that is sometimes more important. Some of the examples of such non-financial compensation listed in the my article are:
Finally, my article discusses how, in each case, special covenants and agreement terms were included and are mentioned in my article to assure my clients that either they got the experience or resume value they were seeking or could resign for good reason and trigger severance. To see my full CEOWorld magazine. article, go to LINK: https://ceoworld.biz/2021/05/26/using-career-advancement-covenants-to-safeguard-non-financial-executive-pay/ Or on my website at https://www.executiveemploymentattorney.com/using-career-advancement-covenants-to-safeguard-non-financial-executive-pay/ This was my 34th article published in CEOWORLD since 2016. Previously, the editor advised that I can use “Featured in the CEOWORLD magazine” and the CEOWORLD “Logo” on my website and add CEOWORLD magazine in my LinkedIn profile’s “Experience Section” as an “Opinion Columnist.” and authority in the field. On its own initiative, CEOWOLRD magazine created on their website a library of Robert Adelson published articles. You can peruse this library and/or read as many of my 34 published articles as you wish. See https://ceoworld.biz/author/robert-adelson/ It is my hope that this article will be of benefit to CEOs, C-level and senior executives who at some point in their career might be considering an opportunity to advance their career that might involve financial sacrifice or other risks and may want to consider review of their executive employment contract to give the best assurance of gaining those career for which a price will be paid. So, my hope is that this article will offer insights on these important matters. Feel free to tweet or share this article. If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me at [email protected]. Last Thursday, on October 2, 2020, CEOWorld magazine published an article I wrote on “Working Remotely as a C-level Executive – Opportunities and Considerations.” This new article is designed for designed for CEOs, C-level and senior executives, dealing with the negatives of the Covid-19/Coronavirus pandemic on many businesses and executive employment situations, but also giving rise to new opportunities. The article offers illustrations of how remote zoom meetings are aiding non-profit groups and client development, and then moves to how those same techniques are aiding C-level and senior executives conducting nation-wide job searches for new executive positions. Then, my article suggests techniques to build a comfort level with prospective employers, for those executives who would like to take up an executive employment opportunity as a remote CEO or C-level executive, including the following negotiation strategies:
To see my full CEOWorld magazine. article, go to LINK: https://ceoworld.biz/2020/10/02/working-remotely-as-a-c-level-executive-opportunities-and-considerations/ Or my website at https://www.executiveemploymentattorney.com/working-remotely-as-a-c-level-executive-opportunities-and-considerations/ This was my 30th article published in CEOWORLD over the last five years. Previously, the editor advised that I can use “Featured in the CEOWOLRD magazine” and the CEOWORLD “Logo” on my website and add CEOWORLD magazine in my LinkedIn profile’s “Experience Section” as an “Opinion Columnist.” and authority in the field. See https://ceoworld.biz/author/robert-adelson/ With more than 12.4+ million-page views, CEOWORLD magazine is the world’s leading business magazine written strictly for CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, senior management executives, business leaders, and high net worth individuals worldwide. https://www.linkedin.com/company/ceomagazine/ It is my hope that this article on the new COVID-19 inspired opportunities opening up across the US to CEOs, C-level and senior executives is timely and will be of benefit. Hopefully, the topics I discuss including to conduct nationwide job searches, to interview and take positions in desired urban centers and also in more others locations, and to do all that without the need to even leave your home office or local satellite office, and finally, the chance to work remotely and effectively and to negotiate the right terms to secure this desired employment – will be of benefit to the CEO, C-level and senior executive clients I represent. Feel free to tweet or share this article. If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me.
Six days ago, on May 27, 2020, CEOWorld magazine published an article I wrote on “Triggering Executive Severance to Protect Your Interests in Case of COVID-19 or other Changed Circumstances”. The magazine advised me that I can use “Featured in the CEOWORLD magazine” and the CEOWORLD “Logo” on my website. This was my 28th article published in CEOWORLD. Earlier this year, the editor advised that I can add CEOWORLD magazine in my LinkedIn profile’s “Experience Section” as an “Opinion Columnist.” and authority in the field. See https://ceoworld.biz/author/robert-adelson/ This article, my most recent, published May 27th, is designed for CEOs, C-level and senior executives, especially those who, once on the job, may find that their chances for success become daunting because changed circumstances beyond their control. For many such executives, the severe economic downturn arising in connection with the COVID-19/coronavirus crisis may cause great reductions in expected base, bonus, equity and LTI compensation and reduced duties and responsibilities as well. However, the article is not limited to COVID-19. The article also discusses other circumstances where clients of the author have also experienced such negative effects, as result of dashed expectations, including where the executive accepted his or her job offer for a CEO, C-level or other senior executive position in reliance on any of these company actions:
The article then concludes with proactive steps the executive can take in your executive employment and job offer negotiations to protect yourself in the event of such changed circumstances in the future. This includes the crafting of severance terms with triggers tailored to your situation in the event of dashed expectations. Thus, the executive would have an executive contract that provides that if circumstances change, such that the job is no longer what you bargained for, you can move on to a new opportunity and still be made whole as you do so. To see my full CEOWorld magazine. article, go to LINK: https://ceoworld.biz/2020/05/27/triggering-executive-severance-to-protect-your-interests-in-case-of-covid-19-or-other-changed-circumstances/ Or on my website at https://www.executiveemploymentattorney.com/triggering-executive-severance-to-protect-your-interests-in-changed-circumstances/ With more than 12.4+ million-page views, CEOWORLD magazine is the world’s leading business magazine written strictly for CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, CSOs, senior management executives, business leaders, and high net worth individuals worldwide. The editor has also advised that I can add CEOWORLD magazine in my LinkedIn profile’s “Experience Section” as an “Opinion Columnist.” and authority in the field. See https://ceoworld.biz/author/robert-adelson/ It is my hope that this article will be helpful to suggest a potential remedy in job offer negotiations to CEOs, COOs, CMOs, other C-Level and senior executives who are considering a new executive position or giving up other opportunities, and, acting in reliance on the promises made by the employer, and seek protection against potential changed circumstances, whether from a pandemic, loss of a key customer, loss of key personnel, a negative regulatory ruling, loss of financing or otherwise, so the executive can if that happens move and be made whole. If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me at [email protected].
September 2023