One week ago yesterday, on Sunday May 28, 2023, CEOWorld magazine published an article I wrote on “IP Ownership as Leverage for Founder Equity Negotiations.”
This new article is designed for CEOs and C-level executives, who are also company founders, who have relinquished control of the company in favor of greater growth but where you now find yourself out-lawyered by investors, ending up with terms that result in loss of much of the equity value you expected to receive and hold. This article discusses how intellectual property that you developed, that has in the past and continues to form an integral part of your company’s value and identity, and which you my potentially still have ownership claims, can be tapped into and leveraged to protect your interests, rights and distribution share in the success of the company you founded or co-founded, in connection with any of these important events that presage organic changes in the company –
For any of those events, if the founder can raise a potential cloud over the company’s title to its core IP, this can provide leverage for an equitable adjustment to assure the owner’s fair share of the proceeds of the success event. To see my full CEOWORLD magazine. article, go to LINK: Or on my website at This was my 42nd article published in CEOWORLD since 2016. Previously, the editor advised that I can use “Featured in the CEOWORLD magazine” and the CEOWORLD “Logo” on my website and add CEOWORLD magazine in my LinkedIn profile’s “Experience Section” as an “Opinion Columnist.” and authority in the field. On its own initiative, CEOWORLD magazine created on their website a library of Robert Adelson published articles. You can peruse this library and/or read as many of my 41 published articles as you wish. See With more than 12.4+ million-page views, CEOWORLD magazine is the world’s leading business magazine written strictly for CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, senior management executives, business leaders, and high net worth individuals worldwide. It is my hope that this article will be of benefit to CEOs, C-level and senior executives who are company founders and who seek leverage in negotiations after seeing diminished value to your equity position as result of vesting, re-vesting, participating preferred, investor anti-dilution and other investor-friendly terms that have worked to your disadvantage and might have a self-help remedy in IP ownership. If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me @ 617–875–8665 or [email protected].
On Friday November 4, 2022, CEOWorld magazine published an article I wrote on “How to Manage Multiple C-Level Executive Job Offers”
This new article is designed for CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and other C-level and senior executives, who currently have or expect to soon have multiple job offers, each job offer presenting an attractive opportunity, and where you as C-level executive, seek guidance of how to manage these offers for best effect financially, and for your families and your career. This article discusses the art of managing multiple executive job offers to get the best results for yourself, including
Finally, the article discusses planning your exit to do so on good terms that enhance your reputation. To see my full CEOWORLD magazine. article, go to LINK: Or on my website at This was my 39th article published in CEOWORLD since 2016. Previously, the editor advised that I can use “Featured in the CEOWORLD magazine” and the CEOWORLD “Logo” on my website and add CEOWORLD magazine in my LinkedIn profile’s “Experience Section” as an “Opinion Columnist.” and authority in the field. On its own initiative, CEOWORLD magazine created on their website a library of Robert Adelson published articles. You can peruse this library and/or read as many of my 39 published articles as you wish. See With more than 12.4+ million-page views, CEOWORLD magazine is the world’s leading business magazine written strictly for CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, senior management executives, business leaders, and high net worth individuals worldwide. It is my hope that this article will be of benefit to CEOs, C-level and senior executives to offer them insights and guidance to make the most of the opportunity when you are being courted and …more than one suitor company is vying for your services for you to accept their job offer for next executive position. Feel free to tweet or share this article. If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me @ 617–875–8665 or [email protected]. On Thursday September 1, 2022, 2022, CEOWorld magazine published an article I wrote on “Stock Rights That Protect the Value of Your Executive Equity Compensation.”
This new article is designed for CEOs, C-level and senior executives, who have recently received a job offer or expect to receive a job offer and will be negotiating terms of executive compensation which will include executive equity. In those negotiations, executive equity is often a very significant and often a major part of the executive compensation and a often a driver to accept a job offer. This is so because executive equity offers the prospect of greater financial upside value than from your fairly fixed and limited cash compensation. This special upside potential for executive equity arises from three different factors: (a) Appreciation – with your service the stock price or value might rise significantly, (b) Liquidity Event – a potential acquisition or an IPO might also significantly increase value, (c) Favorable Taxation – with appropriate structuring, appreciated equity on cash out may be taxed at a much lower rate than cash compensation for much greater take home pay. Thus, given the high importance of equity in the CEO’s or C-level executive’s compensation package the focus of my article then moves to discuss these five (5) critical areas of stock rights and terms you want to be sure to give proper attention in your negotiations to give you the best chance to achieve the potential value from the equity you are granted:
To see my full CEOWORLD magazine. article, go to LINK: Or on my website at This was my 38th article published in CEOWORLD since 2016. Previously, the editor advised that I can use “Featured in the CEOWORLD magazine” and the CEOWORLD “Logo” on my website and add CEOWORLD magazine in my LinkedIn profile’s “Experience Section” as an “Opinion Columnist.” and authority in the field. On its own initiative, CEOWORLD magazine created on their website a library of Robert Adelson published articles. You can peruse this library and/or read as many of my 38 published articles as you wish. See With more than 12.4+ million-page views, CEOWORLD magazine is the world’s leading business magazine written strictly for CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, senior management executives, business leaders, and high net worth individuals worldwide. On January 26, 2022, the career advice website Ivy Exec published under executive “Leadership” an article I wrote on “Are You Getting the C-Suite Executive Salary You Deserve?
This new article is designed for designed for CEOs, C-level and senior executives, who are negotiating new job offers where, in my view, the normal metrics a Gartner or Mercer surveys are just not appropriate for the CEO or C-level executive compensation package, and I am called upon to suggest, design and then lead the negotiations for a custom executive compensation package. My article first suggests three situations well suited to justify development and deployment of a custom executive compensation package:
My article then moves on to discuss that the custom package must not only make up for your loss of pay and benefits to leave your current employer, but even more so, to make up for three further critical intangibles as well, and hence – what should be included on your custom executive compensation package? And how much equity compensation should you ask for? The article then concludes with my suggestions for how the executive can achieve company “Buy-in” – how do you sell the custom CEO or C-level executive compensation package to a skeptical employer? This last part shares there of my best “sales” techniques:
To see my full IvyExec article, go to LINK: Or on my website at IvyExec hosts articles and webinars from experts in the career, leadership, and business spaces who wish to share their knowledge with our audience. In April 2021, I was invited to write for IvyExec since it seeks original content on the topics of career development, leadership, and business strategy as it applies to senior-level and C-Suite professionals. IvyExec blog posts and webinars are shared with its community of more than 2 million members on its website, in its newsletter, and on its social media channels. IvyExec claims a “Community of 2.5M+ Leaders”. It is my hope that this article will be of benefit to C-level and senior executives who are considering job offers in situations where a custom executive compensation package of salary, bonus, and equity is appropriate. Feel free to tweet or share this article. If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me. Executive Stock Options, Restricted Shares and Restricted Stock Units — What’s Best for You8/11/2021 One week ago, on Tuesday August 3, 2021, the website Ivy Exec published under “Career Advice” an article I wrote on “Executive Stock Options, Restricted Shares and Restricted Stock Units — What’s Best for You”.
This new article is designed not only for C-level and senior executives, but even for many directors and mid-level executives, where a major part of executive compensation involves executive equity in the employer company. This article is intended to assist executives in those negotiations by setting out key things to look for in your equity package, including the level, tax structuring and terms of equity compensation. The article discusses the merits and issues among the four main choices for structure of equity:
My article first discusses where equity might achieve its highest value for you using important favorable tax leverage, and then the level of equity to seek appropriate to your position. The remainder of my article goes over the different circumstances under which each of the four main equity choices can be beneficial to you, to help you determine which structure is best for you in your case. To see my full IvyExec Career Advice website article, go to LINK: Or on my website at IvyExec hosts articles and webinars from experts in the career, leadership, and business spaces who wish to share their knowledge with our audience. In April 2021, I was invited to write for IvyExec since it seeks original content on the topics of career development, leadership, and business strategy as it applies to senior-level and C-Suite professionals. IvyExec blog posts and webinars are shared with its community of more than 2 million members on its website, in its newsletter, and on its social media channels. It is my hope that this article will be of benefit to C-level and senior executives who have the opportunity or should have the opportunity to gain an equity stake in the company that their management skills and efforts or helping to build, so that you along with the investors can share in the benefits of that company growth. This article discusses the merits of the four main choices among equity structures. Taxation and financial benefits differ among them. As I tweeted… One size does not fit all. So, I hope this article will be instructive for you. Feel free to share this article. If you or any colleague of yours has a need in this area, please do reach out to me. |
September 2023